In this video, three Cuban economists explain why the government is partially dollarizing the economy. (Transcript:
I suspect they’re hiding GESARA. Here are some GESARA rumors that Judy Byington published on January 8. I’m passing this along as a THEORY to explain why Cuba is instituting a partial dollarization; why the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, suddenly got a clue; and why Venezuela is funding more than 5,334 projects with $10,000 each.
Fri. 17 Jan. Banks Zero out personal debt: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the Quantum Financial System, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025.
On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 the first phase of the Worldwide Wealth Redistribution to the general public will officially commence, directly benefiting millions and marking the start of real community rebuilding efforts. (In Venezuela’s latest election, people elected 5,334 local projects to receive US$10,000 each.
End of March 2025: The outdated U.S. Fiat Dollar will cease to exist, replaced by a new standard rooted in transparency and equity.