Fauci Advisor David Morens Killed in Murder-Suicide in Pensacola
By Michael Baxter - May 30, 2024
Former Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens was murdered at JAG’s Pensacola headquarters Tuesday afternoon by an apparent vigilante who then took his own life, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
As reported previously, JAG investigators on Saturday arrested Morens outside his home in Bethesda, Maryland. Morens was taken to Pensacola for intake and interrogation pending a future trip to Guantanamo Bay, where he would have faced a military tribunal.
Instead, a Naval officer appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner, putting a 10mm round squarely between Morens’ eyes after dragging him into an interrogation room and asking a single question: “Are you prepared to die?”
Our source said the vigilante had been with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) for six years and had a history of being reprimanded for unorthodox interrogation tactics and excessive use of force.
At 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, staff heard two shots ring out and barged into the interview room. Morens was lying on the linoleum floor with a gunshot wound to his forehead, and the investigator was sitting in a chair slumped over a table, a recently discharged pistol beside his feet.
Both men were taken by ambulance to Naval Hospital Pensacola and promptly pronounced dead.
“Our guy, after shooting Morens, put the gun in his mouth and blew out the back of his head,” our source said.
The investigator, our source added, had disabled security cameras prior to the murder-suicide but had placed on the table his personal digital audio recorder, an Olympus VN-541, onto which he had recorded a concise statement.
“Are you prepared to die, Morens? No more tribunals. What I do now I do for America in the name of the Red Hats.”
The gunshots followed the investigator’s declaration.
Our source said the investigator had no known connection to Col. Kurtz and the Red Hats and that JAG would investigate all possibilities.
“We’re even considering the possibility our guy was a deep-state sleeper agent. If you’ve ever seen the motion picture, Telefon (1977), with Charles Bronson, it breaks it down pretty well. The agents can be dormant for years and then activated with a single word or phrase to complete a mission. Why else would he kill himself? Doesn’t seem like a Red Hat thing to do. The deep state could be trying to incite conflict between Red Hats and white hats,” our source said.

Whatever the reason, Morens’ death marks the third act of vigilantism in three months at JAG’s Pensacola offices. In March, a then-senior investigator shot and killed two members of Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate, whom white hats had arrested for plotting to kill President Trump at a CPAC conference in Baltimore.
See also:
White Hats Foil (another) Plot to Assassinate President Trump
See also:
This article appears under several publications. I can't find corroborating information, publications, bulletins, etc. Do you have a separate source?
Bahahahha! Of course he said all that!!! ""Are you prepared to die!!!!!!"" Bahahaha! Someone been reading too many old Rambo scripts when they were still having wet dreams. Hahahaha Forensic Linguists read this "quoted" report and laugh just so you know. If there were real truth here you obscure it with all the dam drama queen theatrics. Real men do not speak like this in real life dude. They just don't. If you would please post one single official report from say...the coroner with the autopsy or a brief from any legitimate agency you'd have a shred of credibility to your reports. I know there's facts in this gibberish I just cannot always separate the wheat from the chaff.
So beg my pardon, sir, if I ask for a factual synopsis. Please please please stop with the over theatrical 5th grade girls drama club bad text. Gah! It's embarrassing me for you. You can do it sport!! Just the facts. Not the drama queen crap. Thank you from an interested adult.