A military tribunal formed of three senior Marine Corps officers convicted former National Security Advisor John Bolton of treason and sentenced him to death last Friday, following a brief but heated trial at which Bolton admitted he was a globalist and had fed Trump faulty intelligence during his short stint in the administration.
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Special Trial Council Rear Admiral Johnathon T. Stephens entered as evidence a national security document that Bolton had allegedly placed on Trump’s desk, the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, on September 3, 2019, a week before Trump fired him. It was an intelligence assessment of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities and asserted that Kim Jong Un had elevated the country’s readiness status to the highest level and had 32 Hwasong-15 ICMBS fueled and ready to launch against South Korea, Hawaii, and, possibly, the Continental United States. In the threat analysis, Bolton urged Trump to preemptively strike Pyongyang massively. It was an easily disprovable fabrication.
Read full article at Real Raw News.
Why does that guy in the picture remind me of KFC’s very own Colonel Sanders??? 🤣🤣🤣