Open borders are to let in people programmed by MK-Ultra
CIA/MI6/Mossad programmed children as soldiers, assassins, criminals & sex slaves
Several years ago I met a man who, as a child growing up in El Salvador, had been mind-fractured and programmed by the CIA. His front personality didn’t know that, however, and some CIA psychiatrist in L.A. was giving him a psychotropic drug. He was also being handled by his second wife, and by “socialists” Richard and Brian Becker.
He told me something interesting: when he came to the U.S. at 16, he started hanging out with other young men at a Yum-Yum Donuts store in Los Angeles. Those young men became the original gangsters of MS-13, which stands for Mara Salvatrucha.
He said that he didn’t join MS-13, even though they beat him up once—which is called being “jumped in.” After they beat him up, they told him it was a joke and that he wasn’t in the gang. Evidently, the CIA felt he couldn’t be trusted as a gang leader.
He said that some of the gang members would occasionally show up in nice clothes, bragging about how much money they were making selling drugs, but he would later hear that they had been arrested. Perhaps the Cabal wanted to create prison gangs.
What I learned from all this was the following:
The CIA was programming children in other countries to serve in its criminal enterprises
The CIA decided which assets crossed the border and put them to work in the U.S.
The FBI and some prosecutors were clearly complicit, as they never imprisoned human traffickers or drug traffickers unless they were not under their direct control. If law enforcement seized a drug shipment, the Reagan administration would order the traffickers released and their cocaine returned to them. Nicaraguan anticommunists brought tons of cocaine to the U.S. in the 1980s, as journalist Gary Webb exposed, for which he paid with his career and his life.
At the same time that Reagan/Bush were turning the Western Hemisphere into Sodom and Gomorrah, Cathy O’Brien was sitting silently in their dens at Bohemian Grove and Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri, mentally recording every word as they discussed their plans for the New World Order.
The following is from a 2022 documentary made about Cathy called Trance.
(3:00) Secret mind-control programs began in America in September of 1946, when President Harry Truman quietly authorized Project Paperclip, a U.S.-government program that allowed the Department of Defense to recruit and hire high-ranking Nazi-German doctors, scientists and spies into the United States. Over 1,600 Nazis and Italian fascists and their dependents were ushered in through South America, with passports and assistance provided by the Vatican and the Red Cross. The purpose of this clandestine immigration was to infiltrate American governing jurisdictions, fortify secret societies, and establish new agencies with ongoing agenda of The New World Order.
Among the imports was Werner von Braun. When NASA was established in 1958, von Braun became the first director of the Marshall Space Flight Center.
Another prominent Nazi recruit for the U.S. was German general Reinhard Gehlen. Upon his arrival in Washington DC in 1945, Gehlen met extensively with President Truman, General William Donovan, director of the Office of Strategic Services, and Allen Dulles. The objective was to reorganize American intelligence operations and transform them into the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947, which Dulles would become the director of.
Reinhard Gehlen was also instrumental in creating the National Security Council, from which the National Security Act of 1947 was derived. This particular piece of legislation was passed to protect and conceal a number of illegal government activities, including secret mind-control programs.
Cathy O’Brien continues:
(31:45) Bill Clinton was being groomed to slip into the office of president because he would do and say what needed to be done. Therefore it was decided in 1984 that— I heard him and George (HW) Bush talking at Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri, that when people became disillusioned with Republicans leading them into the New World Order, then Bill Clinton as a Democrat would be put into place.
(38:45) At Bohemian Grove, the politicians would sit around and talk about the different ways that they were going to be implementing the New World Order, different traumas that were going to be unleashed on society. One discussion that was just really horiffic was using AIDS as a means of population control and introducing that in.
I heard discussions at Bohemian Grove where they were talking about aliens and stuff. And even though my experience with George Bush was him doing a holographic image of turning into a lizard— Because it’s an innate fear of reptiles that’s been conditioned from so many generations within us, that it’s an MK ULTRA mind-control theme to say that it’s reptilian in that regard. But it doesn’t preclude the fact— Where is the alien influence and is there alien influence and what does it all mean? At Bohemian Grove, when they discussed it, they said that aliens are us in the future, and that it’s just a matter of time-travel and manipulation of time. They also talked in terms of aliens being dimensional and multidimensional.
(40:00) When trauma occurs, the brain also photographically records events surrounding trauma. And my brain was photographically recording these discussions that were going on. One of the most interesting was between George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. George Bush was talking about how he believed in pedophilia so strongly, especially incest, in sexually abusing a child to heighten their suggestibility.
He (Bush) was very much for that aspect of things, whereas Bill Clinton was discussing how he believed in the genetic cloning aspect of things and genetic manipulation; how important it was for us to be able to catch up with artificial intelligence by stopping human procreation and creating a generation of genderless children.
[Clinton] believed in the genetic cloning aspect of things and genetic manipulation; how important it was for us to be able to catch up with artificial intelligence by stopping human procreation and creating a generation of genderless children.
This is off the subject of immigration, but they’ve had the ability to turn heterosexual children into homosexuals since the 1970s: this was perfected at Montauk.
First of all you have to understand what mind control is. First thing that happens with a victim, you have to have the person’s right and left brain lobes, which normally function in a synchronized manner, broken in terms of the synchronicity of operation. When that is done, then you can easily develop a person who is either predominantly right-brained or left-brained. Once you break that synchronization, you can produce right or left-handed, right-brain or left-brained, right-handed or left-handed as you wish, change the sexuality—a male can be made homosexual or heterosexual, and the female, either way—as they may choose, those who do this program. - Al Bielek Autobiography: Mind Control
Returning to the subject of migration, La Jornada today published the numbers of Mexicans deported under the last six administrations, and they will surprise you.
Trump repatriated the lowest number of Mexicans of six U.S. presidents
Clinton deported 10 times the number deported under Trump; Obama 3.7 times Trump’s total
Trump's first term—2017-2021—oversaw the lowest rate of Mexican repatriations among the last six U.S. administrations. Under Trump, 766,000 Mexicans were returned, while in the four years of Biden there were 891,500.
The highest number were under Clinton. From 1993 to 2001, 7.447 million Mexicans were deported—nearly 10 times the number deported by Trump.
Under George W. Bush (2001 - 2009), 4.653 million Mexicans were deported—six times the number sent home under Trump.
In Barack Obama's eight years (2009 - 2017), 2.849 million Mexicans were deported—3.7 times Trump’s total.
Under George H. W. Bush there were 2.657 million in four years (1989-1993)—which means Bush deported nearly twice as many Mexicans per year as Obama.
The lizards don’t do anything unless it serves the NWO. Beginning with G.H.W. Bush (1989-1993), deportations of Mexicans have been extremely high—except under President Donald Trump.
With the return of the lizards to Washington in 2021, the borders were thrown open, the border patrol was ordered to stand down, and people from more than 100 countries found their way to the U.S.—with the aid of the UN and the Catholic Church.
Some of the people crossing the border under “Biden” had the vacant stare of a shoote. Others are cannibals or and eat animals raw. Some seem to have made the long, difficult journey just so that they can rape kids.
I would argue that the main reason why illegals were deported under the Bushes, Clinton and Obama was because they wanted to replace non-MK-Ultraed immigrants with MK-Ultraed immigrants. The lizards wanted a lot of programmed crazies running around creating chaos—the more, the better.
Thank you
Uncle herbie. Judge Joe brown did a YouTube video
Johnny Gosch Bush’s. Disney is donating-5 million dollars to L. A fire
Downtown Seattle in the seventies near pike place market there was a donut shop near the porno theaters news service