Reagan's child trafficking networks finally coming down
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea than that he should harm one of these little ones. Luke 17:2
Governor Marín and Kamel Nacif . . . plotted to punish Miss Cacho after she named Jean Succar Kuri, an associate of Nacif, as the head of an international network of pedophilia and child pornography in which high-ranking Mexican politicians also participated.
La Jornada - August 10, 2024
Puebla, Pue. Journalist Lydia Cacho announced this afternoon that a judge in Quintana Roo has released the former governor of Puebla, Mario Marín Torres, pending his trial for torture and protection of child trafficking networks.
Miss Cacho, the author of The Demons of Eden: The Power that Protects Child Pornography (2004), posted on X that the judge set bail at only 100 thousand pesos on Marín, who in 2005 ordered her arrest for defamation after she linked Marín and textile manufacturer Kamel Nacif Borge to an international child sex trafficker, Jean Succar Kuri. Nacif fled to Lebanon, where presumably he still lives.
The former governor was arrested in February 2021 at a house owned by one of his sisters in Acapulco, where he had been in hiding for several months. He was admitted to the Cancún prison in Quintana Roo, and later taken to the Altiplano prison, which he was just released from.
Miss Cacho said that her lawyers are demanding that Marín be given an electronic bracelet.
The human rights defender also said that Judge Ortuño Suárez ruled that the “precious governor” “is not dangerous.”
“They release him right in the final stretch. Thus, the power of the former governor of Puebla within the Judicial Branch,” the journalist wrote on X.
On August 6, another defendant being prosecuted for Miss Cacho’s torture, Hugo Adolfo Karam Beltrán, was also released.

Nacif started out importing fabrics from overseas and became one of the richest men in Mexico.
On February 14, 2006, La Jornada released recordings of telephone conversations between Governor Marín and Nacif, in which they plotted to punish Miss Cacho after her book named Jean Succar Kuri, an associate of Nacif, as the head of an international network of pedophilia and child pornography in which high-ranking Mexican politicians also participated.

The conversations proved that the governor and Nacif, known as “The King of Denim,” had planned the journalist's arrest and her subsequent torture at the hands of female inmates in San Miguel prison in Puebla, who were going to be tasked with raping her.
Miss Cacho was arrested on December 16, 2005. Officers of the Judicial Police of Puebla went to Cancún to arrest her without authorization from Quintana Roo State, and during the trip back to Puebla they hinted that they could kill her.
The journalist’s arrest immediately generated indignation beyond Mexico, leading to her being released the next day. Two interviews with journalists Joaquín López Dóriga and Carlos Loret de Mola on Televisa finished burying Marín, who couldn’t appear in public without being vilified.
They won’t be able to walk down the street.
For her part, Cacho sued Marín, and the case reached the Supreme Court (SCJN), which exonerated him.
Cacho didn’t give up and took her case to the UN Human Rights Committee, which ordered Puebla to reinstate the case against “the precious governor” and the other defendants and to apologize to the journalist. This occurred on January 10, 2019.
Ironically, the person ordered to make the apology was Olga Sánchez Cordero, at that time President Lopez Obrador’s Secretary of the Interior, who had exonerated Marin when she was on the Supreme Court.
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This is an Adrenachrome disposal list, they keep children at army bases, it says there age, and there “disposal” date, there age, and the facility. You can scroll down to the tags on this page and click on cym Adrenachrome you should see like twelve more pages of it, some isn’t in English. I need help spreading this one around. I’m to scared to search any names on the list, it makes me tear up just thinking about it. It would be good for someone stronger than me to check the children’s names on these lists and see if this is real. If it’s real, this is evidence of pure evil!
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