Could be of interest, the Brits manipulated both sides of the WW2 apparently... Implies that both Nazi and soviet leaders were working for the cults all along https://henrymakow.com/martin_bormann_was_rothschild.html

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Why drag the socialists and the Hebrews into it? You are attempting to stain the innocent with the filth of the guilty, and I won't tolerate it.

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I dragged the Brits into it, or the criminal owners of the City of London. The others are just pawns. You can't get serious about child abuse without saying anything about British cults. Anton Chaitkin's talk "British Empire Wants You to be Stupid" is one of the best sources in this regard. https://thedukereport.substack.com/p/the-british-empire-wants-you-to-be

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I mean but the ones investigating him are no different they carry the same mentality and would follow through with the same orders if asked, so there’s that!!

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Adolfson and Peterson, how convenient!! this guy sounds like a really bad person maybe one who asked heavily for forgiveness from the one and only, but nevertheless true to life piece of fucking shit. He should be placed outside of a holocaust museum to take a punch in the mouth from every survivor in the twin cities, without out a towel or a drink of water until the last punch is thrown, and that’s not even close to what he deserves. God will set his ass straight very soon I’m guessing. At best if he gets locked up there will be some nasties who think is old mouth is extra pretty only if plan a doesn’t work out.

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