The Brunson Brothers v. Congress, the President and the Supreme Court
Plus: John Roberts prostituted his own kids
Loy Brunson Declares 2020 Election Fight Isn’t Over: Supreme Court Case Could STILL Change Everything!
Three Supreme Court justices have recused themselves from a case involving the overthrow of the United States government.
• In 2021, Roland Brunson filed a lawsuit against Biden, Harris, and members of Congress—388 officials in total—for certifying the overthrow of U.S. government on January 6, 2021.
The lawsuit argued they violated their oaths of office by not investigating the mountains of evidence of election fraud before certifying the results.
“[Avoiding an investigation] on how Biden won the election is an act of treason and an act of levying war on the U.S. Constitution.”
• The lawsuit was dismissed by the lower courts and the appeals court. Brunson appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which denied his petition of certiorari in an unsigned order on January 9, 2023.
No reason was provided for the decision. Four of the nine justices have to vote to approve a petition of certiorari for it to advance to the oral argument stage.
And NOW,
• Roland Brunson has filed a new lawsuit, Brunson vs. Sotomayor
This lawsuit accuses justices Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson of violating their judicial oath by refusing Brunson’s petition of certiorari.
“[The three justices violated their oath of office] by giving aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution, which is an act of treason, fraud, and a breach of contract.”
• Brunson’s second lawsuit bounced from the state to a U.S. District Court, where it was ultimately dismissed on the grounds that the Supreme Court is protected by sovereign immunity, which is the legal doctrine that the government can’t be sued without its consent.
• Brunson appealed that decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, arguing that the doctrine of sovereign immunity violates his First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievances. The appellate court ruled against Brunson in February of 2024.
• Brunson then filed an appeal of this decision with the Supreme Court
• Even though Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson recused themselves, the court declined to consider the appeal—without citing a reason and without signing the decision.
Testimony of former U.S. Senate candidate (Maryland) Jon McGreevey, given to the office of Lin Wood
INTERVIEWER: Do you have any idea how Epstein and Supreme Court Justice Roberts initially would've met, or how that relationship would've developed?
MCGREEVEY: How they would've met. I think they met when he was he was under Bush, not too long after he was appointed, somewhere along in there, just meeting powerful people, something like that. He [Epstein] did help him with his adopted children. From what was said there and what was, you know, discussed openly in this little Dirty Trick Squad, the children are not genetically brother and sister, but they're raised that way, so that's more valuable to them. One if not both were originally from Wales, but they were in the Epstein channels and were easily removed from their version of foster care to Ireland, which has much more open-adoption-type records. [Epstein] facilitated this for Roberts so he could adopt them both at the same time. There was a little gap, but it was just paperwork. And Epstein had done that for him. So, they met, they worked together, and he was doing favors at some point.
INTERVIEWER: Can you go into any more details on Supreme Court Justice Roberts with these children and the circles that he ran in as far as you're aware?
MCGREEVEY: Children are often used as the commodity, a way to buy yourself into certain inner circles. And these people are all wealthy, they're all powerful, and they don't trust you unless you're as compromised as they are. So, you provide children to them, your children, adopted children, whatever. This is how they trust you: you're as dirty as they are. You cannot be exposed because you can't expose them, they can't expose you. If everybody's just as dirty, you know you're safe. And, like I said, this is a way for them to buy their way into these inner circles and get access to whatever. Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.
INTERVIEWER: And who would be on these tapes [of men having sex with Chief Justice Roberts’ children] most likely as far as from your conversations in the Dirty Trick Squad?
MCGREEVEY: That would be Roberts -- excuse me -- those would be Pence and his two lovers and the younger ones. There were also -- they would do the same thing, illegal surveillance. This was mostly in the country, illegal surveillance, with Roberts' children and whomever they [the children] were with. They'd set it up. They [the men having sex with the children] knew that they weren't going to be exposed, because it's Chief Justice Roberts' children. And please keep in mind that these children have been abused since birth, and I don't want anything else happening. They've already lived through hell. They don't need anything else. But they were getting loaned out for these different groups, and they did surveil many of them.
And who would be on these tapes [of men having sex with Chief Justice Roberts’ children] . . . from your conversations in the Dirty Trick Squad?
MCGREEVEY: That would be . . . Pence and his two lovers and the younger ones.
INTERVIEWER: Okay. Now, you also said in past discussions that there was a plot that Roberts was allegedly a part of where they discussed murdering other judges on the Supreme Court under the Hillary Clinton administration. Can you give me some amplifying details on that?
MCGREEVEY: This is something the FBI set up under their guidance, their political people, going to be a false flag. This had gone out two years almost before the election. And it was a sovereign citizen group. Obama did not want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism, so this is a sovereign citizen group that the FBI had infiltrated and armed and instigated against other targets.

Wonderful. Brunson Brothers are a major key in God's plan. Their famous Trumpet rendition of the William Tell Overture is a clue! It is a pattern of good vs evil that flows in time.